Beetar Turkish Coffee UAE Medium

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Dhs. 15.75
Sale price
Dhs. 15.75
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Turkish Coffee is an iconic coffee brand that offers you an exceptional variety of Turkish coffee to serve a multitude of tastes. Our gourmet Turkish-style coffee comes in an easy-open pouch designed to give you the ultimate coffee experience all day long. This is a locally blended coffee from the UAE with a rich flavor and made from 100 Arabica beans. It is not Turkish coffee, but it is an exquisite coffee experience that combines heritage, experience and dedication to perfection.

Nutrition Facts

  • Fat‎ 0.2 Grams
  • Saturates ‎0 Grams
  • Carbohydrate‎
  • 3.6 Grams
  • Sugars‎ 0 Grams
  • Protein 0.6 Grams
  • Salt‎ 2.1 Grams

Safety Information

Store in a cool dry place away from strong odors.


  • Pour 250 ml of filtered water into your pot and bring to the boil.
  • Put the pot on.
  • Add 3 tablespoons (6 g) of Beetar Turkish coffee to the boiling water.
  • Mix well.
  • Add some sugar for taste.
  • Reduce heat and simmer while stirring gently, for about 3 minutes, or until a rich foam forms.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and stir to prevent boiling.
  • Repeat this step once or twice
  • Distribute the foam into coffee cups
  • Slowly pour in the rest of the coffee to maintain the foam.
  • Serve and enjoy.

قهوة بيطار التركية، هي علامة تجارية رائدة في مجال القهوة، تقدم لك مجموعة استثنائية من القهاوي التركية، لتناسب جميع الأذواق. يتم تقديم قهوة بيطار على الطريقة التركية في حقيبة سهلة الفتح، مصممة لتوفر لك متعة تذوق القهوة الرائعة طوال يومك. إنها قهوة مطحونة، محضرة محليًا في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مع طعم غني، مصنوعة من حبوب أرابيكا 100٪. قهوة بيطار التركية ليست مجرد قهوة ، بل إنها تجربة رائعة، تجمع بين التراث والخبرة والتفاني لتحقيق الأفضل

حقائق غذائية

الدهون 0.2 جرام *

المشبعة 0 جرام *

كربوهيدرات *

3.6 غرامات *

السكريات 0 جرام *

بروتين 0.6 جرام *

ملح 2.1 جرام *


.تحفظ في مكان بارد وجاف بعيداً عن الروائح القوية

طريقة التحضير

.صب 250 مل من الماء المصفى في الوعاء واتركه حتى يغلي *

.ضع القدر جانبًا *

.أضف 3 ملاعق كبيرة (6 جرام لكل منهما) قهوة بيطار التركية إلى الماء المغلي *

.تقلب جيدا *

.أضف السكر حسب الرغبة *

.خفف النار واتركها على نار هادئة مع التحريك برفق لمدة 3 دقائق أو حتى تتكون رغوة غنية *

.حرك القدر بعيدًا عن النار وحركه لتجنب الغليان *

.كرر هذه الخطوة مرة أو مرتين *

.وزع الرغوة في فناجين القهوة *

.صب القهوة المتبقية ببطء للحفاظ على الرغوة *

.قدمها لضيوفك واستمتعوا بالمذاق الرائع *

Return Policy

We accept returns. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase. If 30 days or more have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.

Upon receipt of the returned item, we will fully examine it and notify you via email, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a return. If you are entitled to a return, we will refund your purchase price and a credit will automatically be applied to your original method of payment.

Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items are non-refundable.

Customer Policy

Refunds do not include any shipping and handling charges shown on the packaging slip or invoice. Shipping charges for all returns must be prepaid and insured by you.

You are responsible for any loss or damage to hardware during shipment.

We do not guarantee that we will receive your returned item. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Any amounts refunded will not include the cost of shipping.


Turkish Coffee is an iconic coffee brand that offers you an exceptional variety of Turkish coffee to serve a multitude of tastes. Our gourmet Turkish-style coffee comes in an easy-open pouch designed to give you the ultimate coffee experience all day long. This is a locally blended coffee from the UAE with a rich flavor and made from 100 Arabica beans. It is not Turkish coffee, but it is an exquisite coffee experience that combines heritage, experience and dedication to perfection.

Nutrition Facts

  • Fat‎ 0.2 Grams
  • Saturates ‎0 Grams
  • Carbohydrate‎
  • 3.6 Grams
  • Sugars‎ 0 Grams
  • Protein 0.6 Grams
  • Salt‎ 2.1 Grams

Safety Information

Store in a cool dry place away from strong odors.


  • Pour 250 ml of filtered water into your pot and bring to the boil.
  • Put the pot on.
  • Add 3 tablespoons (6 g) of Beetar Turkish coffee to the boiling water.
  • Mix well.
  • Add some sugar for taste.
  • Reduce heat and simmer while stirring gently, for about 3 minutes, or until a rich foam forms.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and stir to prevent boiling.
  • Repeat this step once or twice
  • Distribute the foam into coffee cups
  • Slowly pour in the rest of the coffee to maintain the foam.
  • Serve and enjoy.

قهوة بيطار التركية، هي علامة تجارية رائدة في مجال القهوة، تقدم لك مجموعة استثنائية من القهاوي التركية، لتناسب جميع الأذواق. يتم تقديم قهوة بيطار على الطريقة التركية في حقيبة سهلة الفتح، مصممة لتوفر لك متعة تذوق القهوة الرائعة طوال يومك. إنها قهوة مطحونة، محضرة محليًا في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، مع طعم غني، مصنوعة من حبوب أرابيكا 100٪. قهوة بيطار التركية ليست مجرد قهوة ، بل إنها تجربة رائعة، تجمع بين التراث والخبرة والتفاني لتحقيق الأفضل

حقائق غذائية

الدهون 0.2 جرام *

المشبعة 0 جرام *

كربوهيدرات *

3.6 غرامات *

السكريات 0 جرام *

بروتين 0.6 جرام *

ملح 2.1 جرام *


.تحفظ في مكان بارد وجاف بعيداً عن الروائح القوية

طريقة التحضير

.صب 250 مل من الماء المصفى في الوعاء واتركه حتى يغلي *

.ضع القدر جانبًا *

.أضف 3 ملاعق كبيرة (6 جرام لكل منهما) قهوة بيطار التركية إلى الماء المغلي *

.تقلب جيدا *

.أضف السكر حسب الرغبة *

.خفف النار واتركها على نار هادئة مع التحريك برفق لمدة 3 دقائق أو حتى تتكون رغوة غنية *

.حرك القدر بعيدًا عن النار وحركه لتجنب الغليان *

.كرر هذه الخطوة مرة أو مرتين *

.وزع الرغوة في فناجين القهوة *

.صب القهوة المتبقية ببطء للحفاظ على الرغوة *

.قدمها لضيوفك واستمتعوا بالمذاق الرائع *

Return Policy

We accept returns. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase. If 30 days or more have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a refund or an exchange.

Upon receipt of the returned item, we will fully examine it and notify you via email, within a reasonable period of time, whether you are entitled to a return. If you are entitled to a return, we will refund your purchase price and a credit will automatically be applied to your original method of payment.

Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items are non-refundable.

Customer Policy

Refunds do not include any shipping and handling charges shown on the packaging slip or invoice. Shipping charges for all returns must be prepaid and insured by you.

You are responsible for any loss or damage to hardware during shipment.

We do not guarantee that we will receive your returned item. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Any amounts refunded will not include the cost of shipping.

We have got a vision to uphold the culture that inspires everyone.


How? We’ve streamlined our processes, ensuring each piece goes through rigorous quality checks; from ideation, to manufacturing, and perfection.


We're driven by the motivation to coerce courageous reformations in the industry to encourage people to shop sustainable products.


To us, people matter more than the business. We make it transparent, accessible, and affordable for everyone around the world.


How? We’ve streamlined our processes, ensuring each piece goes through rigorous quality checks; from ideation, to manufacturing, and perfection.


We're driven by the motivation to coerce courageous reformations in the industry to encourage people to shop sustainable products.


To us, people matter more than the business. We make it transparent, accessible, and affordable for everyone around the world.

We have got a vision to uphold the culture that inspires everyone.


How? We’ve streamlined our processes, ensuring each piece goes through rigorous quality checks; from ideation, to manufacturing, and perfection.


We're driven by the motivation to coerce courageous reformations in the industry to encourage people to shop sustainable products.


To us, people matter more than the business. We make it transparent, accessible, and affordable for everyone around the world.

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